
目前显示的是 2009的博文


回来已经差不多半个月了。。 还是有点不习惯。。 不习惯酱炎热的天气。。 不习惯已经不再是学生的身份。。 不习惯身边少了一个人。。 还记得那天刚回到马来西亚。。 第二天便是外婆的忌日。。 每一年外婆的忌日, 全部阿姨都会回去帮忙外公准备忌拜的食物。。 这一次,我也高高兴兴地回去。。 一进门,我才发现外公已经逝世了。。 我竟然忘了外公已经不在了。。 那种心情,很痛。。 整个世界依旧。。 地球还是不停的自转。。 只是,外公已经不在了。。 还是很不习惯。。


从小到大。。 我都很爱发旅行梦。。 一直很想去其它的国度看不一样的东西。。 一直到今年二十二岁的我,终于搭上去英国的飞机。。 首要任务是读书,之后当然就是旅行了。。 过去的四个月,去了好几个地方。。 去了我一直想去的意大利,罗马,荷兰,梵蒂冈。。 还有法国巴黎,奥地利,瑞士,德国。。 旅程很赶。。 可是短短的旅程就看到了各国不同的习俗。。 像似酒店的摆设,厕所的装潢,环保的意思,用餐的礼仪等等。。 旅行的感觉是很棒的。。 这一次的旅行,让我觉得自己真的真的很渺小。。 以往的我, 太自负了。。 现在的我,才惊觉。。 外面的世界那么大。。
时间过得真快。。 考试要到了。。 然后 我要回马来西亚了。。

Scotland trip

Just coming back from Scotland .. Will upload some pics and share with you all once I organized the photos ^^ Scotland is really a nice place ^^ Hopefully can share with you all in short ^^ ** The pics above ia takign at those countryside .. Will share with u all the details next time .. And other photo liek city town photos will upload later then **


这是一个朋友转寄给我的,我好喜欢这篇文章。。 仅此与大家分享………… 爱的感觉,总是在一开始觉得很甜蜜, 总觉得多一个人陪、多一个人帮你分担, 你终於不再孤单了,至少有一个人想著你、恋著你, 不论做什么事情, 只要能一起,就是好的, 但是慢慢的,随著彼此的认识愈深, 你开始发现了对方的缺点, 於是问题一个接著一个发生, 你开始烦、累,甚至想要逃避, 有人说爱情就像在捡石头, 总想捡到一个适合自己的, 但是你又如何知道什么时候能够捡到呢? * 她适合你,那你又适合她吗 ? 其实,爱情就像磨石子一样, 或许刚捡到的时候,你不是那么的满意, 但是记住人是有弹性的, 很多事情是可以改变的, 只要你有心、有勇气, 与其到处去捡未知的石头, 还不如好好的将自己已经拥有的石头磨亮磨,你开始磨了吗? 很多人以为是因为感情淡了, 所以人才会变得懒惰。 错! 其实是人先被惰性征服, 所以感情才会变淡的。 * 在某个聚餐的场合 , 有人提议多吃点虾子对身体好, 这时候有个中年男人忽然说「十年前,当我老婆还是我的女朋友的时候,她说要吃十只虾,我就剥二十只给她! 现在,如果她要我帮她剥虾壳,开玩笑!我连帮她脱衣服都没兴趣了,还剥虾壳咧! * 听到了吗?明白了吗? 难怪越来越多人只想要谈一辈子的恋爱,却迟迟不肯走入婚姻。 因为,婚姻容易让人变得懒惰。 如果每个人都 懒得讲话、 懒得倾听、 懒得制造惊喜、 懒得温柔体贴, 那么夫妻或是情人之间, 又怎么会不渐行渐远渐无声呢? 所以请记住: 有活力的爱情, 是需要适度殷勤灌溉的, 谈恋爱,更是不可以偷懒的喔! * 有一对情侣,相约下班後去用餐、逛街,可是女孩因为公司会议而延误了, 当她冒著雨赶到的时候已经迟到了 30 多分钟, 他的男朋友很不高兴的说: 你每次都这样,现在我甚么心情也没了, 我以後再也不会等你了! 刹那间,女孩终於决堤崩溃了, 她心里在想:或许,他们再也没有未来了 * 同样的在同一个地点,另一对情侣也面临同样的处境; 女孩赶到的时候也迟到了半个钟头,他的男朋友说:我想你一定忙坏了吧! 接著他为女孩拭去脸上的雨水,并且脱去外套盖在女孩身上, 此刻,女孩流泪了 , 但是流过她脸颊的泪却是温馨的。 你体会到了吗? * 其实爱、恨往往只是在我们的一念之间! 爱不仅...

Liverpool ..

Finally I decided to go Liverpool and I am quite pleased with the trip. Before we go to Liverpool, there is an small accident but finally we get to solve it .. The beautiful view there has makes me forget about the incident .. I am really appreciate to the driver that willing to help us and he is like a angel at the moments .. and because of him,I have a very nice weekend at Liverpool .. Thx ^^ Liverpool is really a city that full with different culture. In addition, we are going on Saturday, and the life at night there is really big differences with Sheffield ... WOW . the people there, the life there, the expenses there even the car there also quite a difference... But, be honest, for this trip, most the time is actually spend on Cheshire Oak and therefore, I have no much time on explore some others places .. If the financial and time is allowed, I wish to go Liverpool again .. As I wish I can enter the World Museum at Liverpool .. From the outlook of that museum is already so fanta...


人与人之间的感情真的很奇怪。。 真的是需要缘分。。 需要缘分来相遇 更需要缘分来变成好朋友。。 也许 那个人真的很棒。。 可是也许性格上的差别。。 所以 你和他 只能是朋友。。 而做不成好朋友。。 哪怕自己已经很努力了。。 可是喜欢就是喜欢。。 不喜欢就是不喜欢。。 在她对你的第一印象是不好的。。 我想不管我多么努力也是徒劳。。 有时候 拼命的迎合某个人。。 倒不如 作悔罪原来的自己。。 会比较快乐。。 好朋友嘛。。 一定是最能接受原来的你。。 才称得上好朋友嘛。。 相信缘分 。。 许多事情 是 可遇不可求。。 随缘吧。。 “没有人可以预算明天会发生什么事。。 所以 凡是看开点 人也会快乐点。。” 这是我一个朋友的座右铭。。 觉得很有道理。。


就酱一通电话 一个人就在地球上消失了 第一次感觉到心痛和心碎 一直告诉自己 一定是在发梦 明天一睡醒 就会没事的 结果呢 外面的世界依旧  所有的事情都还在继续 唯独我的外公不见了。。 他真的不见了。。 真的真的离开了。。 如果我没有来英国 事情会不会就不一样呢 我真的真的好想他。。。。。。。。。。


These are the pictures that I take at Cambridge,UK. Finally I get to go Cambridge, always heard people saying Cambridge, but never have the chance to visit there. The weather for that day is quite cold at the beginning but finally is a bit warm .. The building of those college is really nice .. ^^ Next station will be Manchester United. MU, I am coming oo .. hehe .. yinyee_

My 22nd Birthday

I am having my 22nd birthday at Sheffield, UK. Wah .. I am really so surprise that my buddies will do the birthday big big meal for me .. And I never realize they are actually running their "planning" .. I am so so dumb .. Some more, I feel I being isolated and like everything also blur blur like that .. I am really so sorry for showing my bad moody face to you all .. Today After class, I come back and sleep as I do really feel tire .. Suddenly, Sue knocked my door .. -- Knock Knock -- " Yin Yee, wake up , our milk is being stolen again !! ", said Sue. "What, stole our stuff agaiN .. F***" And, I wake up angrily and rush to the kitchen and see what happening again .. But.... When I went to the kitchen and see ...... I see the table in kitchen is fulled of food. And .. " Happy Birthday, yin yee^^" I was so shocked yet surprised, and I know I being fooled by Sue hehe ... Wah really surprise .. When I went to the kitchen, I saw plenty of food .. T...

Unpredictable weather

The weather here really is so so unpredictable. At the morning, there is a BIG SUN, and we feel so hot when on the way going to University. But, before we end the class, we receive a sms from Abby : " Weather forecast later 1pm will have heavy rain till 5pm. So after class fast fast come back and now start raining edi .. Take care" Unfortunately, we are too late. When we come out from the library, there is already heavy rain. Even we got umbrella, but we still get rained and wet .. Sob sob .. But just 30mins time, the big sun comes out again .. Gosh .. is really so unpredictable ..........

Trip to YoRk =)

This is the picture we take at 13rd June 2009. We went to YORK. A place that full of history, there are a lot of church and museum. There are having a lot of nice and unique building and we enjoy the trip. Be honest, we took around thousand pics of picture and gain a lot of fun there. We depart on 8.30am and reach home on 6.30pm. Just that few hours, we get to take so many pictures .. WOW .. cool .. Anyway, most of the building we just can see from apart as some of the place that we need to pay attraction and it is quite expensive . Therefore, due to the "bullet" and time constraint, we just see it from outside, but that is more than enough. ermm .. At the beginning of the journey, which mean in the bus, we are distributed a piece of map and we need to discover the place by our own. We went to Minister of York, the building I like the most .. And we eat our lunch at museum garden, is really having a nice feeling to having meal there ... Anyway, is really FUN !!

9th June 2009

This is the picture we took at 9th June 2009. This is the most happiest day for me from the beginning day till now. it is simply because finally we get to take a picture that 5 of us also inside. yeah yeah .. We went quite a lot of places that day, and keep taking picture. Anyway, it is so happy and great .. Sheffield is really a nice place, the people here are very friendly and helpful. the building here is so unique and nice, totally is different with Malaysia. The summer here, the flower is so beautiful and the city is so so nice.. I love Sheffield .. I love the weather here also .. And, I love to take picture that 5 of us are inside .. ^^ Is really so great that FINALLY we get to take 5 ppl pics .. hehe .. who is the 5? Melisa, Sue, Irene, Abby and also me of course .. =)

my life at UK ^^

=photo taken at 5th June 2009= Finally, I reach Sheffield, UK. It takes around 14hours to reach here. From KLIA, until DUBAI and when I really reach Manchester,UK. The feeling of me is really so exciting .. Cool .. Finally, I been here. The picture above is the photo we take at KLIA and Dubai Airport. Some of the photos is our breakfast on the flight. Be honest,me and my friends have a same feeling that we are always having breakfast as the different timezone. Finally, we reach our hostel, the place we living. For the first day, I do not like my room as the room is at the lowest floor, is not that convenient for me. In addition, the room is just opposite of the main door, everyone will pass by my room and get to see what am I doing in my room (if I din close my window well). Secondly, from the day I reached till last night, I have to bath with cold water is really cold water (like wat...


原来 人与人之间的相处之道 可以是很亲密 也可以是很恐怖 原来 这几年 我们都被她玩的团团转 我的部落格 一直是我自己的天地 是我为自己抒发情绪的一种方法 却没有想到 我的部落格成了她的话题 让人言论的八卦。。 起初 是有点愤怒 后来 想想 。。 应该感激她让我看清楚这个世界 让我找到了我的真心朋友。。 谢谢你 真心地希望 你也幸福


我总是爱闹着你 投诉当年你对我有多坏。。 其实 你对我不算差 可是我就是爱闹 因为 你那急着解释傻气的模样 可爱死了 还有 你的酒窝 好怀念哦。。 你的人很记仇 又有点小气 可是那就是你 敢爱敢恨 被你爱上的女生是幸福的。。 不管从前的你 对我有多差 我还是想说 那三个月 我好快乐 好幸福。。 也许 那三个月 对你来说 不算什么 可是 对我而言 它很重要 谢谢你 让我有个很棒的回忆 你说我的部落格里没有你。。 那时因为 你一直都在我心里。。 从很久很久以前 一直都在。。 身份也许不一样了。。 可是份量越来越重。。。 现在 就连我的部落也有你哦。。 一直很担心你,不再像相信爱情。 要记得,被感情伤害过的人, 应该要更珍惜身边爱你的那个她! 还有,感激伤害你的人, 因为她让你更懂得去爱和珍惜。。 祝你 幸福 一定要幸福哦 像你酱棒的男生 一定要幸福哦


时间总是让人在不知不觉中成长。。 时间也会让一段感情渐渐地消逝。。 有些人,你以为你一辈子也不可能会爱上他。。 后来,渐渐的,你发觉他也许不是你的理想对象, 但却是一个可以和你相处好久好久的一个人而渐渐地喜欢上他了。。 又或者,你一直以为你会深爱着一个人,会爱他好久好久。。 后来,时间证明了他真的很棒,可是他已经不再是你的唯一了。。 我到底想说什么,我不懂。。 只想说,有些人总是在不对的时间出现,好可惜。。

simply write

Wah cool .. This is my first time using my handphone, a gift from my lovely darling to writing a blog .. I am really appreciate him and feel happy. Thanks my dear .. Finally lipton outstation event is end, exhausted but satisfy especially for this event at kb mall .. Is tire but as long as our team is able to hit d target is more than enough and feel worth. Thx for all my hardworking promoters .. Thx for my team. Muackz When d event is done, in other words mean d time to go uk is getting nearer and nearer. Another ten more days, i will be at uk having my new life. Ohya don know what happened to me i miss him a lot when i open my eyes this morning ..


有些人,你以为他就是你的理想伴侣。。 一直以来,对他念念不忘。。 那时候的你,一直期待着重逢的那一天。。 后来,你才发觉你想念的是- 那时候的自己。。 后来,你发觉缅怀的是 - 那时候的心境。。 那时候的你,以为自己不会再那么爱一个人。。 后来,你遇见现在身边的这个他 。 不管怎样,对于过去的他,依然想念。。 只可惜,自己不再是对方所想念的那个人。。。


曾经的我 多么希望有个小休 多么的期待这三个月的假期 眼看三个月就快过去了 而我呢 好像什么也没做到 好像浪费了这三个月的时间 虚度光阴哦。。 我想现在后悔也应该不会太迟 至少还有三个星期的假期。。 从今天起 我要好好努力 好好的过生活 不能在有的没的 乱糟糟 等今天的事情都搞定后 就得 重新出发。。 好好的过。。 ^^


连续在这里呆了四天。。。  不知道最近的我怎么了。。 就是喜欢呆在这里 听她唱歌  尤其是听她唱方炯彬的坏人。。。 一边听她唱歌 一边写博客 读博客 。。 还要 搭上我最爱的 JASMINE TEA 。。 简直就是超放松。。 我超爱这样的感觉。。。


这就是她的部落格。。 當我們長大了,也就明白愛情並不是童話,它終究要落入尋常生活,那才是最大的考驗。 愛情是成人世界的東西,它就像股市和匯率一樣,每天的波動是正常的。 總的來說,我愛你。但我不是每天都愛你一百分,除非我腦袋燒壞了,一直都在戀愛的狂熱中。 有時我很愛你,尤其是你看來很可愛的時候。 有時我好像沒那麼愛你,尤其是你對我擺出一張臭臉的時候。 當你做了讓我很感動的事情,我愛你可能是百分之一百八十九點九。 當我對自己沒有自信,覺得自己既不漂亮也沒什麼優點的時候,我愛你超過百分之一百七十九點九,害怕你會離開我,愛一個比我好的。 當我很累的時候,我比較不愛你,我連愛自己都沒氣力。但是,看見你很累的時候,我比較愛你和心疼你。 很睏的時候,我誰也不愛,只愛睡覺,你也一樣吧? 當我穿上性感內衣時,我覺得你好像比較愛我。你這個可愛的色鬼! 我承認,你送我禮物的一刻,我比較愛你。不是因為禮物的價值,而是你竟然記得我喜歡的東西。 你每天在我身邊,我對你的愛在負百分之六十五到百分之八十五之間徘徊。當你要離開我身邊幾天或者幾星期,我對你的愛立刻飆升到百分之一百三十點五到百分之一百八十九點五之間。 吵架之前,我對你的愛大概是負百分之三十點五,但是,吵架之後,我對你的愛突然超過了百分之一百九十九點九。能夠這樣跟你吵架真的是太棒了。 我今天比較不愛你,對你的愛大概只有負百分之五十四,但是,剛剛使勁捶你胸口和大力咬你手臂之後,我對你的愛急升到百分之一百二十五點九。你肯讓我咬,我太愛你了。 你比較愛我的那天,我不一定比較愛你。 你比較不愛我的那天,我肯定也比較不愛你。 你比較愛我的那天,我會驕傲。 你比較不愛我的那天,嘿嘿......我會刻意把自己打扮得更漂亮更迷人更可愛,然後在你面前晃來晃去為自己拉票,努力把你對我的愛拉到一個我覺得滿意的百分比之內。 每天的波動,也是一種幸福。我們都在這樣的波動裡互相了解,誰也捨不得誰。 愛情不是童話,但它還是有它很童真的時候 小娴博客


看到了一篇很有意义的文章, 我想……比较适合女孩子看吧!  男人是一所很好的学校,能把女人调教得光彩夺目。我们的爱情总是千疮百孔,受一次伤又老一次。女人任时光雕彩得越发精致,到最后她已经很难再爱上一个人,如果谁让她爱上,那是福气。因为她懂得如何爱你,懂得风情万种又不失端庄。    我知道那是一种类似狐狸转世的修炼。除了上天赋予的美貌和智能外还有很多个人的特质。女人要先爱自己再修炼,不要怕男人不爱你,妖精没有年龄。那么,我 们现在就来学着做一个聪明的八面玲珑的小妖精吧。大多数女人得到的信息是男生一般比较喜欢温柔娴静的女人,事实上,对付男人要懂得分寸。其实这并不难,不 要一味顺从,学会生气,学会吃醋,学会撒娇,学会野蛮。你越是难以掌握,他越是想靠近你征服你。即使再爱一个人,爱进骨子里,在对他施爱时也应该有张有 弛。这样才会有健康美满的爱情。   在爱情里,学着掌握主动权。怎样才可以让他更爱你呢?首先美丽依旧是不变的致命招数。女人要自己美丽 自己,学会打扮,学会抓住男人的心。美丽,不是单纯的外表,而是要从心到外的改造过程。传说中孔雀翎是世间最致命的暗器,它出现时,就如同所有的鲜花在同 时间开放,灿烂而眩目。对任何人来说,要想看住自己的爱人,就必须让自己像孔雀翎般灿烂,让他无瑕“他”顾。   当然,如果有的男人实在 太过分,当你忍无可忍时,你也可以选择使用武力。何况在现今,野蛮也已经成为一种潮流。你要时刻敲打你的男友,让他对你产生敬畏之情,如果真的实在无法挽 回,你也不妨真的用拳头解决一下你的怒气,这样也不是未尝不可的,但切记不要把他打得太严重哦。   有的女人视爱情如生命,他是她的全部 和唯一,他的喜怒哀乐甚至一个喷嚏都能牵动她的心。两个人吵架,先低头的也是自己。正因为这样往往就会纵容他,让他更加骄傲和蛮横,以为你铁定不会离开 他。太多的男人要比女人更富有创造力,他们往往不满足于拥有一次选择的机会,尤其是对自己死心塌地的女人他更不懂珍惜。因此,应该做个聪明的女人,减掉纵 容,增加交际。   除了他,你可以试着交往别的异性朋友,一定要有几个男性朋友,没有非分之想,能在受到委屈时拿胸口当沙包给你锤的,你 也能帮他出主意追女朋友,并可以深夜里把他从床上揪起来去很远的地方接你。当然,要在对应的环境里面扮演适宜的角色,分清主次。一来可以丰富自己的生活, 二来可以借机多了解一下男人,...


你再一次食言。。 我再一次失望。。 明知道 你不是故意的。。 我还是会很失望。。 祝你 早日安康


今天 已经是他回去的第四天了吧。。 朋友说只是四天而已嘛。。 可是却觉得这四天好长好长。。 好不习惯。。。 很想问他 “ 可以早点回来吗? 因为我好像开始忘记你了。。。” 没有你在我身边的日子 我好像更懂得珍惜身边的朋友。。 今天的我 好快乐 。。 因为可以跟朋友聚在一起。。 今天的我曾经很难过。。 因为你的不体谅 。。 我讨厌你大声对我说话。。。 真的很讨厌。。 很讨厌 我需要你的时候。。 你不在我身边。。 也许 是我学习独立的时候了吧。


最近,身边的朋友陆续分手。“性格不合” “不再有感觉” “分开以后 感觉轻松多了” 都是分手的原因。坦言,我真的很不舍他们就将分手了。 可是, 身为局外人的我,只能献上我无限的祝福。希望他们都能找到彼此想要的幸福。。 感情世界里,有些人总觉得身边的那个人拖累了自己。 其实,拖累他的人并不是身边的那个他/她,而是那份爱,那份牵挂吧。。 放下了他/她, 轻松了,是因为不用再日夜牵挂了彼此 少了份担心吗?又或者已不再爱她/他了,才会觉得他/她变成你的包袱呢?还是,因为沟通不好,所以彼此都成了彼此的负累呢? 爱情可以是负累也可以是能量, 爱情可以很苦也可以很甜。。这是真的。。爱情在开始萌芽的时候最甜,然后彼此日渐了解后, 缺点多了吵架多了电话少了短讯少了,思念少了猜疑多了,爱情变苦了, 最终选择分手。后来,新的恋情开始了,程序一样先甜后苦而分手。 以前妈妈常说爱情还是细水长流的好。 后来我懂了,日渐了解后,看到了缺点也要同时学会欣赏他的优点。 吵架是一种沟通的艺术, 电话少了短讯少了,是因为彼此信任了了解了,大家都成熟了。大家都明白彼此的生活作息,不再需要日日报告。 爱情都先甜后苦,然而,苦尽甘来的爱情才是最珍贵的, 不是吗? 身边的那个人总让你担心, 也许会影响生活作息,可是不至于是负累吧。。想想,每当想到他/她时,知道身边有个人不断努力 不断为自己加油,身上的能量也会持续上升吧。。 喜欢一个人有千万种理由,而分手,我想“没有感觉” 或 “感觉不对”最为诚实吧 。。 分手了,因为不再有感觉了或感觉不对了。随着错的人离去,才会渐渐找到对的人。 爱与被爱都很重要,因为只有两者并存才会幸福 。 我相信如果彼此是有缘份的话,最终还是会在一起的。不是吗? 给我的宝贝朋友们, 感情世界里没有所谓的对与错。。 跟着感觉走吧。。 祝我们都幸福 =)


这一场大雨 害我洗的衣服晒不干 害我不能出门.. 可是 我好喜欢这场雨 好喜欢这场大雨的味道 这场大雨 把我的坏心情也洗掉了.. 真的很喜欢这场大雨.. 我重新充电了哦.. 期待着雨后的彩虹..


最近的我, 为了工作 总是闷闷不乐 我的人 太容易不快乐。。

My recently life ..

Previously, I got no time .. I only sleep few hours per day .. i always deserve more time for myself to rest or work or study .. Now, I got plenty of time .. and I started regret ... Now, I only realize that I do need a lot of work work work .. I cant stop .. I will easily feel boring .. I need to find something to do at least .. In previous day, I went for drink .. I went to swim .. I watch drama .. I go trip - Ipoh ( might upload the photo if I am having mood) .. I blogging .. I tidy up my room .. But, these kind of things really cannot satisfied me .. I need more .. my life recently so meaningless .. I need work .. I need to learn something new .. I need to do something new .. I need to upgrade myself .. In short, I think I need something to really push me .. I getting older, I really worried my time will being wasted just like that .. after few days relaxing .. I think I need to inject something to myself again .. Any idea that can let me fully utilize my holiday??

valentine's day

Now is Valentine .. Valentine's day is always related to romance and happiness especially for those who are in a relationship like me .. But .. be honest .. I don like Valentine's Day .. Is a day with disappointment .. One of friend told me Valentine is a lonely day for those who are single .. But .. is that true?? Sometimes, I was thinking that Valentine's Day will make those people who in a relationship become more lonely than others especially the lovely partner have done nothing or forget about the day .. I am still remember the previous year .. Valentine's Day is so sweet when I am not in a relationship .. Now, everything has been changed .. my status .. my feeling towards valentine .. But, I never blame or complaint because he is really a good guy but just not a romantic guy ... Being with him, everyday can be my valentine's day .. And I am working on Valentine's Day ... so good .. when i am working, I can telling myself I need to work and no time for Vale...

end of my holiday ^^

My holiday is end .. Actually I have 3months of holiday .. But I decide to work part time and end my lovely holiday .. These few days I am really happy .. I gather with some old friends chit chat with them at Starbucks, go movie with them and we even go fun faIr .. and I won myself a cutie tweety (is big size one) .. so so happy .. wakakkaka.. When I go back KL, I meet other college friends too .. We go bar to have a drink and playing some games .. so so so happy .. Anyway, I need to start to work tomorrow onwards .. But I believe working is another kind of happiness too .. Can earn some living expenses and also learning something new .. is challenging but is good experience i think .. Anyway, I need a lot a lot of part time job .. If anyone of you need any part-timer, please contact me wor .. ^^ yeah year 2009 .. a good year for me ^^

yo yo holiday lu ..

Finally the exam is over .. Phew .. I was really relax and spending my sweet time with my sister and brothers ... Apart of the result, I am really happy for done my last exam in TARC (if no accident) .. This exam honestly really make me so suffer .. I study when I come back from my CNY .. And spend most of my CNY time to study study and study .. and really so tension .. But finally it is over .. yeah ... But, after spending two days of relax .. I think is my time to hunting for some part time in this 3 months holidays... For those who have any nice job, please give me a call ya .. Thx a lot hehe ... And I am having holiday, can call me for some drinks too ... Other than job, I must exercise more in this three months .. I am really eat too much during exam and CNY time .. Everytime during exam, I will easily feel hungry and finally gain a big tummy .. Lolz... Anyway, I must fully enjoy and utilize my holiday yeah yeah ^^

end of my holiday

Finally the CNY is over .. Actually there is another 8days for CNY but my holiday is end .. Because my final paper will be on this coming saturday which mean I need to start my revision ... Honestly, I have to apology to all my friends for my absent in certain activities .. As I am having my exam before CNY, I am really need a rest and I really want to spend most of my time with my family .. I prefer to stay at home .. I am really sorry .. But, I do really miss you all ^^ During the CNY, I am really have fun with kids - those cousin cousins.. Many of my aunts have just gave birth, so I am really enjoy to entertain with the babies and kids ... Being with them, I do really feel happy even though they always cry .. haha .. Anyway I really miss my mum my daddy my home sweet home .. I miss sister and brothers miss the moment playing basketball and "guli" with them hehe .. Anyway, the holiday is end, and I have to get back to reality and start my revision .. Yinyee, gambateh ^^


考试终于告一段落。。 是时候好好准备新年了。。 坦言 这一次的考试 似乎没有我预期中的完美。。 对自己有点失望。。。 坦言 考试题目真的不难。。 还算是有点容易 可是 我却做得不很理想。。。 算了吧 都已过去了 后悔也没有用。。 新年后 还有一科 真的要好好努力了。。。 努力的过年 努力的读书 努力的过生活。。 成绩 只是人生中的一环。。 所以看开点吧。。

Where should I start

Now only I realize that I have another 7days to prepare my last final exam in TARC .. But where should I start ... Every time when I sitting in front of my table open up the books and notes, I feel lost and I don't know where to start ... Once I open and start reading, I found there are some difficulties to continue, I have insufficient of reference .. But, these few days, I am trying to ask some of my friends how was their revision and how they actually start .. I found most of them start with another subject .. So I was thinking to change my revision strategy and start with the second paper - IMC .. This subject is much more interesting i think .. And suitable to use for warm up before I went to the really tough paper .. Hopefully my plan is going to work and don't die half way again .. I have no much time to re-plan and re-plan .. yinyee .. aza aza fighting =)

exam fever

My exam will be started few more days later .. But, am I starting my revision yet? Nope .. I do not know what happened on me .. Every time before exam, I will having fever or headache and cannot really concentrate to start my revision .. Honestly, this is my last exam for my advanced diploma and I really wish I can do my best .. the best of mine .. I really wish I can achieve what I want .. I am giving me too much of excuse and spend too much of time on relax .. I am lazy I am sick and I will start my revision tomorrow after today .. But am I starting the next day ? Nope .. But, I do really regret now and I will do my revision once I finished my blog today .. I do not want regret after exam .. No matter how was the result of my exam, at least I do try my best .. the best of mine .. Yinyee, challenge yourself .. challenge the devil in your mind .. add oil .. =) Wish me and all my friends that are having exam best of luck and all the best ..

2009 年

这是我2009年的第一个部落格 回首2008年的我 好像过得马马虎虎 有点虚度光阴的感觉 在2008年 有着很多的不开心 也许 是 人与人之间 有着 太多的猜测 太多的误会吧 我就是酱的一个人 讨厌被误会 更讨厌去解释 我的部落格 是 幸福秘语 可是2008年的我  像是患有幸福快乐缺乏症 被误会搞得我很不快乐 今天的我 像似想通了 误会嘛  一定会有真相大白的一天 朋友嘛 不用多 知心的那几个 已经很足够 2009年的我 全新的快乐出发 加油 加油