
目前显示的是 一月, 2009的博文


考试终于告一段落。。 是时候好好准备新年了。。 坦言 这一次的考试 似乎没有我预期中的完美。。 对自己有点失望。。。 坦言 考试题目真的不难。。 还算是有点容易 可是 我却做得不很理想。。。 算了吧 都已过去了 后悔也没有用。。 新年后 还有一科 真的要好好努力了。。。 努力的过年 努力的读书 努力的过生活。。 成绩 只是人生中的一环。。 所以看开点吧。。

Where should I start

Now only I realize that I have another 7days to prepare my last final exam in TARC .. But where should I start ... Every time when I sitting in front of my table open up the books and notes, I feel lost and I don't know where to start ... Once I open and start reading, I found there are some difficulties to continue, I have insufficient of reference .. But, these few days, I am trying to ask some of my friends how was their revision and how they actually start .. I found most of them start with another subject .. So I was thinking to change my revision strategy and start with the second paper - IMC .. This subject is much more interesting i think .. And suitable to use for warm up before I went to the really tough paper .. Hopefully my plan is going to work and don't die half way again .. I have no much time to re-plan and re-plan .. yinyee .. aza aza fighting =)

exam fever

My exam will be started few more days later .. But, am I starting my revision yet? Nope .. I do not know what happened on me .. Every time before exam, I will having fever or headache and cannot really concentrate to start my revision .. Honestly, this is my last exam for my advanced diploma and I really wish I can do my best .. the best of mine .. I really wish I can achieve what I want .. I am giving me too much of excuse and spend too much of time on relax .. I am lazy I am sick and I will start my revision tomorrow after today .. But am I starting the next day ? Nope .. But, I do really regret now and I will do my revision once I finished my blog today .. I do not want regret after exam .. No matter how was the result of my exam, at least I do try my best .. the best of mine .. Yinyee, challenge yourself .. challenge the devil in your mind .. add oil .. =) Wish me and all my friends that are having exam best of luck and all the best ..

2009 年

这是我2009年的第一个部落格 回首2008年的我 好像过得马马虎虎 有点虚度光阴的感觉 在2008年 有着很多的不开心 也许 是 人与人之间 有着 太多的猜测 太多的误会吧 我就是酱的一个人 讨厌被误会 更讨厌去解释 我的部落格 是 幸福秘语 可是2008年的我  像是患有幸福快乐缺乏症 被误会搞得我很不快乐 今天的我 像似想通了 误会嘛  一定会有真相大白的一天 朋友嘛 不用多 知心的那几个 已经很足够 2009年的我 全新的快乐出发 加油 加油